Tue, 14 May 2024




The colours of soul

"The soul of color, like an eternal fire
that burns in a night without time or memory. As
a ray of light in the darkness of infinite space,
the voice of a small transparent raindrop,
which falls from the blue sky
on the enchanted waters of the shining lake of always,
the delicate melody of a dream, illuminated by
crystal of water and fire, painted through
the heart from the emotion of a poem."

Collection of digital artwork by Sabrina Gatti


Date: 26 February 2024Author: Sabrina Gatti
Credits Publisher: Blurb
Public Profile:

Sabrina Gatti

under construction

Personal Development
Meetings and events:0
Web sites:5

By the same author: 

Publications and Essays


Publications and Essays

'' Crisis''

Publications and Essays

Just for love

Publications and Essays

'' Crisis''

Publications and Essays

The wounds of the heart

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